
Israel – Israel Partners

IsraelEducation - Child programs, Youth programs, Adult conferences, Outreach events
Feeding Hungry - Food programs
Human Trafficking - Intervention Education
Poor and Needy - Lone soldier, Elderly, School backpacks
Victims of Injustice - Intervention and legal assistance

Israel Partners

Israel is perhaps the most complex entity in the world today. Israel a people, place, and way of life located in the heart of mystical Middle East. With an ancient history of over 3500 years, Israel affects every corner of the globe no matter how one looks at it.

*Eretz Israel is the birthplace of two of the world’s great faiths, Judaism and Christianity.

Striving within this amazing Nation is the great equation, Jews that recognize Jesus (Yeshua) as their long-waited Lord and Saviour, the Messiah. As of the 1950’s, they counted in the dozens, in the 70’s the hundreds, and in the 90’s a few thousand, today about 16 thousand in 150 congregations throughout the Land. Their desire to follow after Yeshua is perceived to be treasonous by the Ultra-Orthodox who site a long and painful history of persecution at the hands of the organized Christian church. For this reason, many *Sabra Jewish believers in Yeshua have suffered persecution and listing at the hands of the Ultra-Orthodox who often hold a powerful portfolio in coalition governments.

In this remarkable framework the Messianic believers are passionate about their love for God in Yeshua. They choose to remain anonymous online and trust God will see them through the journey. They are sincere disciples who meet as congregations rather than Christians who attend church.

missions 3D threshold has two Messianic partners who love, live, and follow the Lord Jesus (Yeshua), a living testimony to their people Israel.


Called from Mesopotamia, God created a special linage out of Abram (Abraham) and a great promised land from the Nile to the Euphrates.  His grandson Jacob wrestled with God (Gen. 32:22-32) for the blessing where God renamed him Israel. This was the beginning of a 3500-year history including Jews being scattered to the four corners of the earth out of the Babylonian and Roman occupation.  A remnant was always present in Judea throughout the ages. No matter where Jews lived in other countries they would recite regularly, next year in Jerusalem as a focal desire of complete return some day.

It has been said the Jews are God’s historical repositories of His connection to creation.  For reasons yet to be revealed, God created this lineage encapsulated in the older Testament, the “Book of the People”, right through to Jesus the Christ, His apostles, and disciples into the newer Testament, the “Book of the Promise”.  The redeemed Body of Christ (the Church) is grafted into the root of this miraculous connection.

Whether the theological perspective is a type, allegory, literal, figurative,or metaphor, Eretz Israel today is as real as the majestic Rocky Mountains, or the massive fresh water contained in the Great Lakes. Out of the ashes of time, Eretz Israel exists again, tiny in size, yet larger than life. Against all odds, no other culture in history has been resurrected from the grave of diaspora, the shame of the holocaust and the sentiment of despair. No other people have returned from the four corners of the world, restored to homeland, faith, culture, language, government, currency, and purpose like the Jews.

God promised Isaac a great nation lineage, as well He promised Ishmael a great nation lineage. Today, Ishmael’s Middle East geography is 640 times that of Isaac’s. From Abraham’s obedience and God’s promise in Genesis to John’s vision in the Revelation, Israel’s Jerusalem lives on in the bosom of world perspective, a miracle only the Creator could perform. It gives one shivers to consider what the New Jerusalem will be like 1500 miles square(Rev. 21:16), near the surface size of Australia as a cube.

Islam founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in AD 610 connected itself to Israel when it conquered the region and moved into Jerusalem in AD 637-8. Even though Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran, it was later made the third most sacred city to Islam.This was reinforced by the story of Mohammed’s ride to heaven and back from “The Rock” which, much later after his death was interpreted to mean Mount Mariah, today the Dome of the Rock built on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount over top of the second Jewish Temple.

Today there are approximately 2.1 billion Christians, 1.6 billion Muslims, and 16 million Jews worldwide. Each of these faiths has a claim to their origins in the real estate, Eretz Israel.

From God’s promise to Abraham, to the greatly reduced Eretz Israel today, which is smaller than Lake Michigan, about the size of New Jersey, or Canada’s Vancouver Island, Israel holds global attention.  Israel’s impact and blessing to the world is enormous, from three major world faiths, to science, technology, to agriculture, and business efficiency, the people of Israel contribute a high proportion of goods, services, and knowledge to our planet. The only democracy in the entire region, this tiny nation survives against all odds with over 15 political parties seeking the common vote.

In real terms, how tiny is Israel? Surrounded by 425 million people in 22 Arab nations, geographically is 640 times larger than Eretz Israel today with 6 million inhabitants. God’s promise to Ishmael to have a great nation is fulfilled (Gen. 17:20). God’s promise to Isaac to have a great nation is fulfilled (Gen. 17:19) in its ability to survive, evolve and contribute its blessing to the world we live.

*Sabra is a Jew born in Israel.
*Eretz is the geographical land of Israel.


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