Student Care

Student care

Student Care

Tim and Janice Phillips serve as dorm parents at Sahel Academy in Niger, Africa. The Sahel Academy is a school and semester home to missionary children whose parents are serving on the field in the surrounding regions.

Being away from home and family is difficult to deal with for many missionary children. Tim and Janice see all these children as their own and care for them like parents with genuine love and affection. Every birthday is celebrated and everyone receives a good night hug and prayer. This is a great support to the many distant families who only see their children a few times a year.

Jody Cross is a Worship Shepherd, a mentor to students learning the skills of leading worship. Under Jody’s care many have increased their ability to lead congregations into corporate and personal worship.

Partners that are pastors of local congregations hold the responsibility of student care where families entrust their children to the care of staff and volunteers in their scope.

Student Care

We have only touched upon some of the many services 3D Partners are actively involved in. Thank you for your generous support.