Bible Translation

Bible translation

Bible Translation

The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. As of November 2014 the full Bible has been translated into 531 languages, and 2,883 languages have at least some portion of the Bible.  (Wikipedia)

Ken and Sarah Beckley have been working for many years in the African countries of Mali and Bénin to head a team translating the Bible into the Songhai language. Recently they celebrated a milestone of completing the entire New Testament.

Another very exciting way to share the Word of God is being undertaken by Gerald and Kim Brinston serving in rural Cerca Cavajal, Haiti. They have been successful using MegaVoice as a translation tool to share the gospel with the Haitian people in their native Créole language. MegaVoice is a simple to use cell phone size device, with built in solar panel programmed with the desired available audio language. With an 80% illiteracy rate in Haiti, having the Créole language Bible available audibly has proven to be a tremendous help to so many who cannot read or write.

Translation Team in Mali L-R:

Souleymane, Fatey, Fanta, Hamadoun, Aissata, Ken, Seydou, Fadi, Mahamane, Glenn Kerr (Pronunciations: SOO-lay-mahn, FAH-tay, FAHN-tah, HAH-mah-doon, EYE-sah-tah, SAY-doo, FAH-dee, mah-HAH-mahn)

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