Poor and needy
Poor and Needy
Every society has people who for numerous reasons find themselves in need of help to survive each day.
East Berlin, Germany, is the base location of Aaron and Anne Bowes who have a gospel mission church which includes reaching out to the community providing clothing and care to many who call the streets their home.
Our Israel partner also responds to needs in their community, lone soldiers who have been rejected by their orthodox families, elderly holocaust survivors who need assistance to live, and many school children whose families cannot earn enough to provide basic necessities.
In India the caste system makes ones position at birth to be their lot in life. They believe multiple gods have designed it so. These dear folks subsist in a world that does not care about their lot; these are India’s poorest. Nothing can change this fate accept the love of Jesus who invites all to come unto Him and find new life abundant. Sion Assembly Church Ministries (SAC) work daily to help people who are at the bottom of the caste system to discover a way out and a way up, bringing dignity through Jesus’ provision for their lives. SAC Ministries endeavor to serve the whole person through spiritual new identity in Christ as well food, clothing, and shelter.
Acknowledging and responding to the desperate needs around us is often the first sincere step in reaching people with the good news of the gospel.